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Pool Listing

Everyone can create new lending pools on Vesu, but pools are not automatically enabled for lending and borrowing on the Vesu website. Similar to Uniswap's token lists, Vesu maintains a list of vetted pools that are enabled on the website. In order for a pool to be added to this list it has to go through a listing process with the goal to ensure that Vesu users can make informed decisions.

Pool listing process

In order to have a new pool listed on the Vesu website, follow the steps below:

  1. Fork the Vesu docs repository
  2. In the Risk Reports section, create a new folder named after the pool's poolId
  3. Create a copy of risk report template for each market of the new pool (named after the market's asset)
  4. Follow the instructions on the template to complete the risk report for all markets
  5. When done, create a PR in the official docs repository with your changes
  6. Ping the team in the Vesu Discord to get your listing application reviewed

Please note that a listing application is not guaranteed to be accepted. The Vesu team may request further information or changes to your submitted risk reports. The Vesu team may further decide that the new pool can not be added to the enabled pools list at its sole discretion.