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Singleton contract

This page gives an overview over the storage and the functions of the Singleton contract.


The following sections shows each storage variable available in the singleton contract.

creator_nonce (LegacyMap)

Tracks a nonce for each creator of a pool to deterministically derive the pool_id from it.

// creator -> nonce
creator_nonce: LegacyMap::<ContractAddress, felt252>
extensions (LegacyMap)

Tracks the address of the extension contract for each pool.

// pool_id -> extension
extensions: LegacyMap::<felt252, ContractAddress>
asset_configs (LegacyMap)

Tracks the configuration / state of each asset in each pool.

Mapping from pool_id & asset to

// (pool_id, asset) -> asset configuration
asset_configs: LegacyMap::<(felt252, ContractAddress), AssetConfig>
ltv_configs (LegacyMap)

Tracks the max. allowed loan-to-value ratio for each asset pairing in each pool.

Mapping from PoolId & Asset to loan-to-value configruation.

ltv_configs: LegacyMap::<(felt252, ContractAddress, ContractAddress), LTVConfig>
positions (LegacyMap)

Tracks the state of each position in each pool.

// (pool_id, collateral_asset, debt_asset, user) -> position
positions: LegacyMap::<(felt252, ContractAddress, ContractAddress, ContractAddress), Position>
delegations (LegacyMap)

Tracks the delegation status for each delegator to a delegatee for a specific pool.

// (pool_id, delegator, delegatee) -> delegation
delegations: LegacyMap::<(felt252, ContractAddress, ContractAddress), bool>
lock (boolean)

Tracks the reentrancy lock status to prohibit reentrancy when loading the context or the asset config.

lock: bool



Returns the configuration / state of an asset for a given pool This method does not prevent reentrancy which may result in asset_config being out of date. For contract to contract interactions asset_config() should be used instead.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • asset_config - asset configuration
  • fee_shares - accrued fee shares minted to the fee recipient
fn asset_config_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress
) -> (AssetConfig, u256)


Wrapper around asset_config() that prevents reentrancy

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • asset_config - asset configuration
  • fee_shares - accrued fee shares minted to the fee recipient
fn asset_config(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress
) -> (AssetConfig, u256)


Returns the loan-to-value configuration between two assets (pair) in the pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • ltv_config - ltv configuration
fn ltv_config(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress
) -> LTVConfig


Returns the current state of a position.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • position - position state
  • collateral - amount of collateral (computed from position.collateral_shares) [asset scale]
  • debt - amount of debt (computed from position.nominal_debt) [asset scale]
fn position_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress
) -> (Position, u256, u256)


Wrapper around position() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • position - position state
  • collateral - amount of collateral (computed from position.collateral_shares) [asset scale]
  • debt - amount of debt (computed from position.nominal_debt) [asset scale]
fn position(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress
) -> (Position, u256, u256)


Checks if a position is collateralized according to the max. loan-to-value ratio.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • collateralized - true if the position is collateralized, false otherwise
  • collateral_value - USD value of the collateral [SCALE]
  • debt_value - USD value of the debt [SCALE]
fn check_collateralization_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress
) -> (bool, u256, u256)


Wrapper around check_collateralization() that prevents reentrancy

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • collateralized - true if the position is collateralized, false otherwise
  • collateral_value - USD value of the collateral [SCALE]
  • debt_value - USD value of the debt [SCALE]
fn check_collateralization(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress
) -> (bool, u256, u256)


Calculates the current (using the current block's timestamp) rate accumulator for a given asset in a pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • rate_accumulator - computed rate accumulator [SCALE]
fn rate_accumulator_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress) -> u256


Wrapper around rate_accumulator() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • rate_accumulator - computed rate accumulator [SCALE]
fn rate_accumulator(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress) -> u256


Calculates the current utilization of an asset in a pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • utilization - computed utilization [SCALE]
fn utilization_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress) -> u256


Wrapper around utilization() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • utilization - computed utilization [SCALE]
fn utilization(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress) -> u256


Returns the delegation status of a delegator to a delegatee for a specific pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • delegator - address of the delegator
  • delegatee - address of the delegatee
  • delegation - delegation status (true = delegate, false = undelegate)
fn delegation(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
delegator: ContractAddress,
delegatee: ContractAddress) -> bool


Derives the pool_id for a given creator and nonce.

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  • caller_address - address of the creator
  • nonce - nonce of the creator (creator_nonce() + 1 to derive the pool_id of the next pool)
  • pool_id - id of the pool
fn calculate_pool_id(
self: @ContractState,
caller_address: ContractAddress,
nonce: felt252) -> felt252


Calculates the debt for a given amount of nominal debt, the current rate accumulator and debt asset's scale.

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  • nominal_debt - amount of nominal debt [asset scale]
  • rate_accumulator - current rate accumulator [SCALE]
  • asset_scale - debt asset's scale
  • debt - computed debt [asset scale]
fn calculate_debt(
self: @ContractState,
nominal_debt: i257,
rate_accumulator: u256,
asset_scale: u256) -> u256


Calculates the nominal debt for a given amount of debt, the current rate accumulator and debt asset's scale.

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  • debt - amount of debt [asset scale]
  • rate_accumulator - current rate accumulator [SCALE]
  • asset_scale - debt asset's scale
  • nominal_debt - computed nominal debt [asset scale]
fn calculate_nominal_debt(
self: @ContractState,
debt: i257,
rate_accumulator: u256,
asset_scale: u256) -> u256


Calculates the number of collateral shares (that would be e.g. minted) for a given amount of collateral assets.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • collateral - amount of collateral [asset scale]
  • collateral_shares - computed collateral shares [SCALE]
fn calculate_collateral_shares_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
collateral: i257) -> u256


Wrapper around calculate_collateral_shares() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • collateral - amount of collateral [asset scale]
  • collateral_shares - computed collateral shares [SCALE]
fn calculate_collateral_shares(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
collateral: i257) -> u256


Calculates the amount of collateral assets (that can e.g. be redeemed) for a given amount of collateral shares.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • collateral_shares - amount of collateral shares
  • collateral - computed collateral [asset scale]
fn calculate_collateral_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
collateral_shares: i257) -> u256


Wrapper around calculate_collateral() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • collateral_shares - amount of collateral shares
  • collateral - computed collateral [asset scale]
fn calculate_collateral(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
collateral_shares: i257) -> u256


Deconstructs the collateral amount into collateral delta, collateral shares delta and its sign.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • collateral - amount of collateral
  • collateral_delta - computed collateral delta [asset scale]
  • collateral_shares_delta - computed collateral shares delta [SCALE]
fn deconstruct_collateral_amount_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress,
collateral: Amount) -> (i257, i257)


Wrapper around deconstruct_collateral_amount() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • collateral - amount of collateral
  • collateral_delta - computed collateral delta [asset scale]
  • collateral_shares_delta - computed collateral shares delta [SCALE]
fn deconstruct_collateral_amount(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress,
collateral: Amount) -> (i257, i257)


Deconstructs the debt amount into debt delta, nominal debt delta and its sign.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • debt - amount of debt
  • debt_delta - computed debt delta [asset scale]
  • nominal_debt_delta - computed nominal debt delta [SCALE]
fn deconstruct_debt_amount_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress,
debt: Amount) -> (i257, i257)


Wrapper around deconstruct_debt_amount() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • debt - amount of debt
  • debt_delta - computed debt delta [asset scale]
  • nominal_debt_delta - computed nominal debt delta [SCALE]
fn deconstruct_debt_amount(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress,
debt: Amount) -> (i257, i257)


Loads the contextual state for a given user. This includes the pool's extension address, the state of the collateral and debt assets, loan-to-value configurations and the state of the position. This method does not prevent reentrancy which may result in context being out of date. For contract-to-contract interactions context() should be used instead.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • context - contextual state
fn context_unsafe(
self: @ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress) -> Context


Wrapper around context() that prevents reentrancy.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • user - address of the position's owner
  • context - contextual state
fn context(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
user: ContractAddress) -> Context


Creates a new pool.

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  • asset_params - array of asset parameters
  • ltv_params - array of loan-to-value parameters
  • extension - address of the extension contract
  • pool_id - id of the pool
fn create_pool(
ref self: ContractState,
asset_params: Span<AssetParams>,
mut ltv_params: Span<LTVParams>,
extension: ContractAddress) -> felt252


Adjusts a position's collateral and debt balances.

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  • params - see ModifyPositionParams
  • response - see UpdatePositionResponse
fn modify_position(
ref self: ContractState,
params: ModifyPositionParams) -> UpdatePositionResponse


Transfers a position's collateral and/or debt balances to another position in the same pool. Either the collateral or debt asset addresses match. For transfers to the same position, modify_position should be used instead.

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  • params - see TransferPositionParams
fn transfer_position(
ref self: ContractState,
params: TransferPositionParams


Liquidates a position.

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  • params - see LiquidatePositionParams
  • response - see UpdatePositionResponse
fn liquidate_position(
ref self: ContractState,
params: LiquidatePositionParams
) -> UpdatePositionResponse


Executes a flash loan.

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  • receiver - address of the flash loan receiver
  • asset - address of the asset
  • amount - amount of the asset to loan
  • is_legacy - whether the asset is in legacy format
  • data - data to pass to the flash loan receiver
fn flash_loan(
ref self: ContractState,
receiver: ContractAddress,
asset: ContractAddress,
amount: u256,
is_legacy: bool,
data: Span<felt252>


Modifies the delegation status of a delegator to a delegatee for a specific pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • delegatee - address of the delegatee
  • delegation - delegation status (true = delegate, false = undelegate)
fn modify_delegation(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
delegatee: ContractAddress,
delegation: bool

Donates an amount of an asset to the pool's reserve.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • amount - amount to donate [asset scale]
fn donate_to_reserve(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
amount: u256


Retrieves an amount of an asset from the pool's reserve. Can only be called by the pool's extension.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • receiver - address of the receiver
  • amount - amount to retrieve [asset scale]
fn retrieve_from_reserve(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
receiver: ContractAddress,
amount: u256


Sets the loan-to-value configuration between two assets (pair) in the pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • collateral_asset - address of the collateral asset
  • debt_asset - address of the debt asset
  • ltv_config - ltv configuration
fn set_ltv_config(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
collateral_asset: ContractAddress,
debt_asset: ContractAddress,
ltv_config: LTVConfig


Sets the configuration / initial state of an asset for a given pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • params - see AssetParams
fn set_asset_config(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
params: AssetParams


Sets a parameter of an asset for a given pool.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
  • parameter - parameter name
  • value - value of the parameter
fn set_asset_parameter(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress,
parameter: felt252,
value: u256


Sets the pool's extension address.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • extension - address of the extension contract
fn set_extension(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
extension: ContractAddress


Attributes the outstanding fee shares to the pool's extension.

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  • pool_id - id of the pool
  • asset - address of the asset
fn claim_fee_shares(
ref self: ContractState,
pool_id: felt252,
asset: ContractAddress